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Proprietorship to Pvt Ltd Company


Govt Fees 8000/-
Professional Fees 5000/-
Total 13000/-

Proprietorship to Pvt Ltd Company

In India, many entrepreneurs initially start their business as a sole proprietorship because of its low compliance requirements. After certain years, the business will boom and the revenues involved will become more.

Now, in order to limit the liability and to detach the bank accounts and tax filing of an individual, a sole proprietorship firm will be converted to a private limited company.

By converting a sole proprietorship firm to a private limited company, which becomes a separate legal entity thereby reducing the risk of liability and the personal assets will remain untouched except in case of fraud.

The private limited company will be governed under the companies act, 2013, and the shares are held privately not offered to the public. Similarly, the structure of taxation will be unique under income tax act, 1961, and different from the sole proprietorship, which considers the income as individual income.

Documents required for Online Registration of the company

In India, Private Limited company registration cannot be done without proper identity proof and address proof. Identity and address proof will be needed for all the directors and the shareholders of the company to be incorporated. Listed below are the documents that are accepted by MCA for the online company registration process acceptable.

Identity And Address Proof

  • Scanned copy of PAN Card or Passport (Foreign Nationals & NRIs)
  • Scanned copy of Voter’s ID/Passport/Driver’s License
  • Scanned copy of the latest bank statement/telephone or mobile bill/electricity or gas bill.
  • Scanned passport-sized photograph specimen signature (blank document with signature [directors only])

For the foreign nationals, an apostilled or notarized copy of the passport has to be submitted mandatorily. All documents submitted should be valid. The residence proof documents like the bank statement or the electricity bill must be less than 2 months old.

Registered Office Proof

For online company registration in India, the company must have a registered office in India. To prove admittance to the registered office, a recent copy of an electricity bill or the property tax receipt or water bill must be submitted. Along with the rental agreement, utility bill or the sale deed and a letter from the landlord with her/his consent to use the office as a registered office of the company should be submitted.

  • Scanned copy of the latest bank statement/telephone or mobile bill/electricity or gas bill
  • Scanned copy of Notarized rental agreement in English
  • Scanned copy of No-objection certificate from the property owner
  • Scanned copy of sale deed/property deed in English (in case of owned property)

E-Form spice 32

It is an incorporation e-form provided at the final stage of in corporation of a company. Here, all the mandatory details should be filled in this form and submitted along with the required documents.

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