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Digital Signature Certificate


Digital Signature Certificate 650/-
E-mudra DSC +Token

Digital Signature Certificate

A digital signature certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key issued by recognized certifying authorities to validate the identity of the certificate holder. A digital signature certificate (DSC) includes information such as the user’s name, pin code, country, email address, certificate issuance date, and certifying authority’s name.

Types of Digital Signature Certificate

we issue only Class 3 DSCs. However, you can find the information about Class 1 for reference purposes.

Class 1:

The Class 1 certificate is issued to businesses, individuals, or private subscribers merely to confirm the user’s name and email id as mentioned in the consumer database. This is just a basic assurance and is usually not considered to be of major significance.

Class 3:

The Class 3 DSC is now mandated to be used for all types of transactions in India. It is issued to individuals and organizations that want to participate in bidding for government tenders or online tenders and auctions. Sometimes, applicants may be expected to be physically present before their CAs to receive a Class 3 certificate.

Note: The Class 2 DSC has been discontinued as of 1 January 2021. For all purposes including income tax, PF, GST, RoC filings, tenders, and so on, the guidelines state that the Class 3 DSC should be used and the Class 1 DSC will no longer be accepted.

Documents Required

Indians looking to obtain a DSC must submit:

  • ID proof: passport/driving license or any photo identity issued by the govt
  • PAN card
  • Address proof: Aadhaar card/voter ID/driving license/registration certificate
  • Attesting officer proof

Indian organizations looking to get DSC must submit:

  • Organizational PAN
  • Partnership deed, if applicable
  • List of authorized signatories which could be the list of directors, board resolution, etc.
  • Authorized signatory ID proof
  • GST certificate

For Indian companies, the documents may differ depending upon the type of entity like partnership, proprietorship, sole ownership, LLP, etc.

Foreign individuals and organizations looking to obtain DSC must submit:

  • Attested copy of applicant’s passport
  • Attested copy of visa, if the applicant is out of their native country
  • Attested copy of resident permit certificate, if the applicant is in India
  • Attested copy of any govt-issued address proof

Foreign attestation procedure for DSC:

An authorization letter must be sought with the respective company seal and signature from the.

  • Embassy of the native country (If the applicant is out of their native country)
  • Apostilled by the native country after a public notary (if the country is in the Hague Convention). For example, Austria, Greece, Oman, Australia, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, etc.
  • Consularized by the native country, after a public notary (if the country is not in the Hague Convention). For example, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, etc.
(function() { window.sib = { equeue: [], client_key: "qvjb0hir4g2nd2rdpuk1jgej" }; /* OPTIONAL: email to identify request*/ // window.sib.email_id = 'example@domain.com'; /* OPTIONAL: to hide the chat on your script uncomment this line (0 = chat hidden; 1 = display chat) */ // window.sib.display_chat = 0; // window.sib.display_logo = 0; /* OPTIONAL: to overwrite the default welcome message uncomment this line*/ // window.sib.custom_welcome_message = 'Hello, how can we help you?'; /* OPTIONAL: to overwrite the default offline message uncomment this line*/ // window.sib.custom_offline_message = 'We are currently offline. In order to answer you, please indicate your email in your messages.'; window.sendinblue = {}; for (var j = ['track', 'identify', 'trackLink', 'page'], i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { (function(k) { window.sendinblue[k] = function(){ var arg = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); (window.sib[k] || function() { var t = {}; t[k] = arg; window.sib.equeue.push(t);})(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]);};})(j[i]);}var n = document.createElement("script"),i = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; n.type = "text/javascript", n.id = "sendinblue-js", n.async = !0, n.src = "https://sibautomation.com/sa.js?key=" + window.sib.client_key, i.parentNode.insertBefore(n, i), window.sendinblue.page(); })();