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Increase Authorized Capital


Stamp and Notary fees 2000/-
Govt Fees 300/-
Professional Fees 4500/-
Total 6800/-

Increase Authorized Capital

A private company’s authorized capital specifies the maximum number of shares it may sell. There is no minimum capital required as per new Companies Act of 2013. To issue new shares or to raise the authorized capital, the capital clause of the Memorandum of Association is amended by passing an ordinary resolution by the board.

Checklist For Increasing Authorized Capital

  • Check the provisions of the AoA to increase authorized share capital
  • If the AoA does not permit an increase, then the AoA must be modified as per Section 14 of the Companies Act of 2013
  • Issue a notice for calling a board meeting to modify the AoA in order to approve the increase in authorized share capital
  • Issue a notice for calling an extraordinary general meeting to modify the AoA in order to approve the increase in authorized share capital
  • Issue the notice at least 7 days before the board meeting and 21 days before the EGM.

Documents Required

The documents must be filed with the MCA within 30 days after obtaining consent from the shareholders for the share capital increase. The standard resolution for private firms is merely SH-7, and MGT-14 is not required.

  • Digital signature certificate: A copy of a DSC from any authorized director of the company
  • Memorandum of Association: A copy of the modified or latest version of the MoA
  • Articles of Association: A copy of the modified or latest version of the AoA
  • Certificate of incorporation: A copy of the company’s incorporation certificate
  • PAN card: A copy of the company’s PAN card.
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