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Private to Public Limited


Govt Fees 2000/-
Professional Fees 5500/-
Total 7500/-

Private to Public Limited

Let us have a brief understanding of what is private and public limited company.

Private Limited Company

A company that is privately held for small businesses. The liability of the members of a private limited company is restricted to the number of shares respectively held by them. The shares of a private limited company can’t be traded.

Public Limited Company

A company whose shares are traded on a stock exchange and can be purchased and traded by anyone. It is also called a publicly held company. As the name suggests, a public limited company is a company that offers company shares to the general public. The Company’s Act 2013 also defines a public limited company as one that has limited liability and offers company shares to the public. Anyone can acquire the stocks of such a company either through stock-market trading or via IPOs ( Initial Public Offerings).

Checklist requirements for conversion of a Private limited company

  • DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) and DIN ( Director Identification Number ) of two directors.
  • Preparation of MOA ( Memorandum of Association ) and AOA ( Articles of Association).
  • PAN ( Permanent Account Number ) and TAN ( Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number) card.
  • Name search, application and name reservation.
  • CIN (Certificate of Incorporation).

Documents needed for conversion of private limited into a public limited company

  • A copy of the directors’ PAN card.
  • Passport size photographs of directors.
  • Copy of Aadhar card or voter ID.
  • Copy of the rental agreement.
  • Electricity or water bill (Business place).
  • The copy of property papers, if it is owned.
  • Landlord NOC (No Objection Certificate) for providing the format.
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