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GST Advisory


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The Government of India has implemented an indirect tax, namely GST from 1st July 2017 on most domestic goods and services. The seller reduces the GST on the product and then forward the same to the Government. So, we can say GST is one tax, one nation and it is providing revenue to the government.

GST is India’s first major sweeping tax reform in decades. This regime has rationalized tax collection and simplified compliance procedures to a great extent. Businesses that once had to register for a wide range of taxes, i.e., VAT, Excise Duty, Service Tax, CST, Octroi, Luxury Tax and Entertainment Tax, — now only require a GST registration. GST is strictly an Indirect tax applied to the cost of certain goods and services while Income tax comes under Direct tax. This value-added tax is levied on all goods and service providers in the domestic market. However, not all businesses require a registration.

Any business offering sale of goods with annual turnover of Rs 40 lacs or service with annual turnover of 20 lacs would require the registration for GST and have a valid GST Number. Remember that the GST is levied on supply, not sales. Therefore, stock-taking, discounts and freebies also come under the GST net. Businesses selling to other states must register for GST, regardless of turnover.

Features of GST

GST is a comprehensive, value added indirect tax on goods and services, which has made India a unified market.

Some of the key features of GST are:

1.Dual tax structure: There is a center and state tax levied for every supply of goods and services and these are termed Centre GST (CGST) and State GST (SGST), respectively

2. IGST on inter-state supplies: Integrated GST (IGST) on inter-state supplies where the revenue is shared by both the Centre and the Consumption state.

3. Supply between two establishments of same legal entity taxable: The supply of goods between the agent and the principal are taxable. The “gifts” given by employers to employees exceeding INR 50,000 are taxable.

4. Imports and exports: All imports are treated as inter-state supplies and do attract IGST. all exports are zero rated.

5. Tax administration: An online system for tax, however, there are GST Facilitation centers, GSPs, ASPs that assist taxpayers in filing the returns, registrations, etc.

Composition scheme

The GST regime offers reduced tax liabilities to businesses under the composition scheme. These businesses must have a supply turnover of under Rs. 50 lakh, and will also not be able to avail of input-credit. This scheme will not, however, apply to the service industry or to businesses making inter-state sales.

What is GST in India ?

In March 29, 2017 the Indian government declared the Goods and Service Tax to unify the state economies and enhance the overall economic growth of the country. Act according to which the GST is an indirect tax that subsumes all other taxes. This Act became effective on July 1 2017 and since then GST has replaced all the taxes that were existed previously. GST is a comprehensive tax that is imposed at every stage of sale.

How the GST system works in India

GST is a comprehensive, value-added tax imposed on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods and services. GST is a single unified system that is applied across the country.

How GST Will Transform India

As GST removes the cascading effect of taxes and the economic barriers between the states, it will be beneficial for businesses and consumers. For instance, if a product has a tax rate of 20%, this is inclusive of central and state government’s taxes. The seller can manufacture in one state and supply to other states with no taxes. Also, the consumers would be subject to only this indirect tax and no other taxes. GST helps government in creating a common market with common procedures, thereby reducing the corruption.

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